************************************************* このCIA★こちら映画中央情報局ですは、2017年4月1日に、コチラの CIA Movie News に移転しました!! *************************************************

“ 13年間の空白なんて、単にコマーシャル・ブレイクさ…!! ”
…とのことですが、1993年の初回放送から延べ9年間の放送だったことを振り返れば、おいッ!!、CM の方が長いじゃないか…!!と、ツッコミたくなるファンの方もいらっしゃるかも…?!

今年2015年初めの1月下旬に、FOX TVグループ代表のゲイリー・ニューマン氏がTCA(テレビ批評家協会)主催のイベントで発言したコメントを紹介し、復活の動きがあることをお伝えしておいた「ザ・X‐ファイルズ」が、ついに正式に製作決定の運びとなり、今夏に撮影を行うことを、20世紀FOX が、以下 ↓ のプレスリリースを発行し、アナウンスしてくれました…!!

“ エピソードの数が限られたミニ・シリーズのようになると思うんだ。ぼくたちはみんな、もう、いい歳だよ。昔のように長丁場のフルシーズンをやる元気なんて、残っちゃいないさ。 ”

“ 朗報のグッドニュースとしては、世の中は、かつてよりも、さらに奇妙さを増しているからね。これらの6つのストーリーを物語るには、まさに完璧なタイミングだと思う。 ”


Emmy Award-winning Pop Culture Phenomenon From Chris Carter Is Back as Six-Episode Event Series
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson to Reprise Their Roles as FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully

Thirteen years after the original series run, FOX has ordered the next mind-bending chapter of THE X-FILES, a thrilling, six-episode event series which will be helmed by creator/executive producer Chris Carter with stars David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson re-inhabiting their roles as iconic FBI Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. This marks the momentous return of the Emmy- and Golden Globe Award-winning pop culture phenomenon, which remains one of the longest-running sci-fi series in network television history.

The announcement was made today by Dana Walden and Gary Newman, Chairmen and CEOs of Fox Television Group and Chris Carter, creator and executive producer of THE X-FILES. Production on THE X-FILES event series is set to begin in summer 2015. Further details remain under wraps and will be announced at a later date.

“I think of it as a 13-year commercial break,” said Carter. “The good news is the world has only gotten that much stranger, a perfect time to tell these six stories.”

“We had the privilege of working with Chris on all nine seasons of THE X-FILES – one of the most rewarding creative experiences of our careers – and we couldn’t be more excited to explore that incredible world with him again,” remarked Newman and Walden. “THE X-FILES was not only a seminal show for both the studio and the network, it was a worldwide phenomenon that shaped pop culture – yet remained a true gem for the legions of fans who embraced it from the beginning. Few shows on television have drawn such dedicated fans as THE X-FILES, and we’re ecstatic to give them the next thrilling chapter of Mulder and Scully they’ve been waiting for.”

THE X-FILES originally premiered in September 1993. Over the course of its nine-season run, the influential series went from breakout sci-fi favorite to massive global hit, and became one of the most successful television dramas of all time. The show, which earned 16 Emmy Awards, five Golden Globes and a Peabody Award, follows FBI special agents Scully (Anderson) and Mulder (Duchovny) as they investigate unexplained cases – “X-Files” – for which the only answers involve paranormal phenomena.

Produced by 20th Century Fox Television and Ten Thirteen Productions, THE X-FILES is created and executive-produced by Chris Carter.

The X-Files: 約13年ぶり復活の「ザ・X‐ファイルズ」の方向性について、変人モルダー捜査官のデイヴィッド・ドゥカヴニーが問題発言とも受けとれるコメントを語った!!(15.1.22)
The X-Files : あの「ザ・X‐ファイルズ」のモルダーとスカリーが、約13年ぶりに超常現象事件の捜査を再開するシーズン10の製作を検討中!!(15.1.18)


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